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Employee Management

Contract Management Work Hour Reports User Roles Vacation Planner Task Tracking & Management Project Management Commissions and much more...

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Manage employees from anywhere

iMATRIX software makes managing employees effortless!

Say goodbye to tiring routines and supercharge your company’s productivity. Our user-friendly software enhances admin processes for greater business success. Utilize iMATRIX’s benefits for a simpler, more efficient staff management experience.

Roles & Permissions

Have you explored your employees’ roles and permissions?

Our intuitive platform simplifies administration, so you don’t need to be an IT specialist to understand all the features. Logical fields reflect the current situation and with just a few clicks on the settings, you can promote, reassign or adjust the roles of your employees at any time.


With our innovative working time recording solution, your employees can easily and quickly record their working time from anywhere, at any time.

Our self-contained smartphone tracking module offers comprehensive reporting on all open projects an employee is working on. You can assign full-time, part-time, or hourly pay modes and allocate workweek and vacation credits.

With our technology, you can be assured of accurate and efficient time tracking.